Sweet Potato and Avocado Puree Snooze Blend

Sweet Potato and Avocado Puree Snooze Blend

About this Recipe

Incorporated into this recipe for Sweet Potato and Avocado Puree are three ingredients renowned for their sleep-inducing properties. Sweet potatoes, avocados, and milk offer a trifecta of nutrients and compounds known to promote relaxation and enhance sleep quality.

Sweet potatoes are rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber, which can help promote feelings of fullness and satiety.

They also contain vitamin B6, essential for serotonin production, a neurotransmitter crucial for mood and sleep regulation. Studies have indicated that certain nutrients found in sweet potatoes, particularly potassium and magnesium, are associated with improved sleep quality and duration, known for its role in muscle relaxation and better sleep quality.

sweet potato and avocado puree for better sleep for babies

Avocado:  is a nutrient-dense fruit that contains healthy fats, including monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids. These fats are essential for brain health and may help regulate neurotransmitters involved in sleep, such as serotonin and melatonin. Avocados also provide magnesium and potassium.

Milk: contains tryptophan, the precursor to serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin helps regulate mood and promotes relaxation, while melatonin signals to the body that it’s time to sleep by regulating the sleep-wake cycle. By providing a natural source of tryptophan, milk may aid in the production of these sleep-inducing neurotransmitters, contributing to a more restful night’s sleep. Incorporating milk into recipes like the Sweet Potato Avocado Puree can offer a comforting and sleep-promoting option for both infants and adults.

For the full list of sleepy foods to incorporate to your child’s evening meals click here.

Incorporating these sleepy foods into your baby’s evening routine can help promote a smoother transition to sleep and aid in maintaining restful sleep throughout the night. So why not treat your little one to a soothing bowl of Sweet Potato and Avocado Puree tonight? With this delicious and nourishing option, your baby will find it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep, waking up refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead!


Ingredients and Instructions:

  • 1 small sweet potato
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 2-3 tablespoons of breast milk or formula
  • Pinch of ground cinnamon (optional)
  • Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C). Wash the sweet potato and pierce it several times with a fork. Place it on a baking sheet and bake for about 45-50 minutes, or until it’s soft and tender.
  • Once the sweet potato is baked and cooled, scoop out the flesh and place it in a blender or food processor.
  • Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit, and scoop out the flesh into the blender or food processor with the sweet potato.
  • Add 2-3 tablespoons of breast milk or formula to the blender or food processor to help with blending and to achieve a smooth consistency.
  • Blend the mixture until smooth and creamy, adding more liquid if necessary to reach the desired consistency.
  • Transfer the sweet potato and avocado puree to a bowl and serve to your baby. The combination of sweet potato and avocado puree provides healthy fats and nutrients that can help promote relaxation and sleepiness.

As your baby progresses in their weaning journey, you can introduce seasoning and flavourings such as garlic, ginger, or herbs such as basil, mint or parsley to further enhance the taste and nutritional profile of this sweet potato and avocado  puree.

Remember to always check the temperature of the food before serving it to your baby and be mindful of any potential allergies or sensitivities. If you have any concerns or questions about your baby’s diet, consult with your pediatrician.

This Sweet Potato and Avocado Puree makes a perfect evening meal for your baby. It’s nutritious, delicious, and helps promote a peaceful night’s sleep. After trying it out, feel free to share your experience with us!

Clocks Go Forward, What Now? How Do You Adjust Your Child’s Routine?

Clocks Go Forward, What Now? How Do You Adjust Your Child’s Routine?


Every time the clocks go forward or backward, parents across the world whose baby has finally settled into a nice sleep schedule or sleep routine go into a panic. As parents, we will happily adjust to an hour-later wake-up call but does that mean they are going to stay up later too? It’s also a great time to adjust bedtimes and nap times if needed or wanted, it all seems to be subject to change due to Day Light Saving Time – what can we expect?

Spring Forward, Fall Back

We are taught this saying to remember which way the clocks are going but, is it just us or can we also spring back and fall forwards meaning we still have to rack our baby-tired brains for the answer?

In March, the clocks go forwards by an hour and as our Baby Sleep Coach inbox begins to fill with worried parents; we wanted to share some quick tips for ways you might want to adapt your routine.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23910656/ – Entrainment of the human circadian clock to the natural light-dark cycle, The National Library of Medicine

Girl holding a clock - symbolising Clocks Go Forward



1) Start Putting Your Baby To Bed Slightly Earlier

To help with the transition of an hour, start putting your child to bed slightly earlier from Thursday. We recommend just 15 minutes early on Thursday and then to keep increasing by 15 minutes nightly until Sunday when you can put them to bed at the normal time. This can help by allowing your child minor adaptions and hopefully, the small changes will mean the wake-up time isn’t disturbed.

2) If your Baby wakes up an hour later once the times have changed, gently adjust naps

We all know the joy of trying to keep baby awake that little bit longer around nap time, but if your baby does wake up an hour later in the morning try to adjust their naps by 20 minutes so that they falling into the ‘new time’ schedule throughout the day. This should only take a day or two to allow them to adjust.

3) Go Outside!

The natural light/dark times affects our circadian rhythm which is a large factor in your body’s sleep preparation. Unsurprisingly, the ‘daylight savings time’ was created to capture the main hours of light! We have spoken about the positive effects of Vitamin D previously but it is definitely worth getting outside to let your baby soak up some natural light on the day the clocks go forward.

4) Don’t adjust anything.

A lot of parents just carry on with their normal routines when the clocks change, whilst mentally preparing to potentially struggle to stick to bedtimes. Just as our bodies naturally adapt, so do our little ones. This is the method we at Sleepy Angels will be using, but it’s all personal preference. With my own children, I sometimes haven’t even realised the clock has changed!

Learn about the impact of daylight saving time on children’s sleep patterns from a study published in the journal “Sleep Medicine Reviews. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960982213007641

What About Feeding Times When The Clocks Go Forward?

  • When it comes to adjusting feeding and breastfeeding times with the clock going forward, a gradual approach is often best. Start by shifting your feeding times by 10-15 minutes earlier each day leading up to the time change. This gradual adjustment can help your baby adapt to the new schedule without causing too much disruption. Similarly, if you’re breastfeeding, try to nurse your baby at the new adjusted times to sync with the clock change. For more tips on breastfeeding, check out our comprehensive breastfeeding blog HERE.
  • As for weaning and eating solid foods, you can also gradually shift meal times by 10-15 minutes earlier each day leading up to the clock change. This allows your baby’s internal body clock to adjust gradually. Be mindful of your baby’s hunger cues and adjust portion sizes accordingly to ensure they’re still getting enough nutrients throughout the day. Additionally, maintain a consistent mealtime routine to provide structure and predictability for your baby during this transition period. With patience and consistency, your baby will soon adapt to the new feeding schedule aligned with the clock going forward. Additionally, explore our sleepy foods blog HERE.

Ready to tackle the challenges of adjusting your child’s sleep routine? Don’t navigate it alone! Explore expert resources and consultancy services tailored to your child’s unique sleep needs. Take the first step towards better sleep for your little one today.

Mouth Breathing in Children: How It Impacts Sleep and Why You Shouldn’t Ignore It!

Mouth Breathing in Children: How It Impacts Sleep and Why You Shouldn’t Ignore It!

Mouth Breathing in Children

If your child has trouble sleeping, or wakes up during the night, it could be that you have a mouth breather on your hands. As a baby sleep coach, I see how common mouth breathing in children is, and how this could be the reason your child is not sleeping through the night, so read on to see if mouth breathing could be affecting your little one’s sleep.

Sleeping baby with mouth open, indicating mouth breathing in children

Why might my child breathe through their nose?

For the first few months of their lives, newborn babies breathe pretty much exclusively through their nose unless there’s a reason they can’t such as having a blockage in their nasal passage, usually because your little one has a cold. In a bid to keep taking in oxygen, they will use their mouth to breathe because their nose is not up to the job.

A more long-term reason for nasal congestion could be allergies that hinder a child’s airway and forces them to use their mouth to breathe. Because symptoms from allergies are over a longer period of time, this is more likely to encourage new (and bad) habits of resorting to breathing through the mouth even after the airway is cleared. Mouth breathing in children is a common issue that may have various underlying causes.

Why is it a problem if my child breathes through their mouth?

When it comes to mouth breathing in children, there are several factors that make it something to avoid. Both doctors and dentists suggest many side effects of mouth breathing that can cause your child discomfort and even lead to more long-term problems developing.

In young children, breathing solely through the mouth can cause dry mouth and contribute to crooked teeth. It can lead to physical abnormalities if left to continue over a longer period of time and it can also cause dental problems as well contributing to a disrupted sleeping pattern.

Are there any benefits to breathing through your nose for children?

Breathing through the nose is a more efficient way of using oxygen, which leads to producing Nitric oxide that aids your immune system in tackling infections. The mucus and tiny hairs in your nose also help to filter out unwanted small particles such as germs, dust, or pollen and stop them from entering your lungs.

Breathing in a more efficient breath full of oxygen also helps improve brain functions and blood flow around our bodies. It helps us breathe into our lungs, air that is full of moisture as well as helping to warm the air before it gets there. Plus, it is usually quieter for the parents listening on the baby monitor!

Child sleeping peacefully with mouth open, indicating potential mouth breathing in children.

Is Your Child a Mouth Breather? Recognising the Signs of Mouth Breathing in Children

Young children may struggle to articulate their symptoms as adults do, making it crucial for parents to recognize potential indicators of mouth breathing in children. Look out for slower-than-normal growth, frequent irritability or nighttime crying episodes, dry mouth or lips, difficulty concentrating for extended periods, and daytime sleepiness.

Understanding the Impact of Mouth Breathing in children on Sleep:

Mouth breathing in children, as opposed to nasal breathing, can disrupt your child’s sleep patterns. It may cause breathing interruptions or reductions, prompting the body to react with sudden gasps or snorts, leading to frequent awakenings. Insufficient oxygen supply to the brain can result in daytime fatigue and hinder cognitive function.

Because of some of these factors, children have in the past been wrongly diagnosed with ADHD (research shows) due to their sharing of symptoms such as restlessness or a lack of concentration when in fact it is a much simpler case of sleep deprivation. 

Helping Your Child Breathe Through Their Nose: Tips and Advice

If your child is experiencing mouth breathing due to a nasal blockage from illness, typical remedies like nasal sprays or medication can help alleviate congestion. Addressing allergies with solutions like a dehumidifier can also clear the airways.

If mouth breathing persists beyond illness recovery, consulting your GP is advisable to assess for issues like enlarged tonsils or adenoids, common culprits of persistent mouth breathing in children.

Encourage breathing exercises to raise awareness of nose breathing in children capable of understanding. Establishing good breathing habits early on can lead to natural nose breathing, potentially improving sleep quality.

Incorporating calming activities such as yoga and deep breathing into bedtime routines can foster a relaxed environment conducive to nose breathing.

Prioritising your child’s health involves promptly addressing any respiratory issues, including mouth breathing in children. Early intervention not only promotes immediate well-being but also establishes the foundation for lifelong health.

Research: NIH, National library of medicine, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4047298/

If your child’s sleep is disturbed or they wake too early, other factors may be at play. 

10 Proven Strategies to Get Your Twins Sleeping Sync

10 Proven Strategies to Get Your Twins Sleeping Sync

How to Get Twins Sleep at the Same Time

Twins are a double blessing, but they can also be double the trouble when it comes to sleep. Getting twins sleep at the same time can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible. With a few tips and tricks, you can help your little ones get the rest they need.

In this blog post, we will discuss some strategies for getting twins sleep at the same time. We will also cover some common challenges that parents of twins face and offer some tips for overcoming them.

Why Should you Have Twins Sleep at the Same Time?

There are many benefits to getting twins sleep at the same time. For one, it can make your life as a parent much easier. You will no longer have to deal with two different sleep schedules, which can be very disruptive. Additionally, getting twins sleep at the same time can help them develop regular sleep habits, which can lead to better sleep quality overall.

Twins Sleep Solutions - Expert strategies for promoting restful nights for twin babies.


Can Twins Sleep in the Same Cot?

Yes, twins can sleep in the same cot from birth. The Lullaby Trust advises that you follow all of their safer sleep advice for each baby, day and night. This includes sleeping babies on their backs, keeping babies smoke-free during pregnancy and after birth, and using flat, firm, and waterproof mattresses.

The Lullaby Trust promotes co-bedding your twins so that you can share a room with them if you have restricted space. Sharing a room with your babies until they 6 months old is a really important measure you can take to reduce the chance of SIDS.

However, there are other reasons you might want to have your twins sleep in the same cot. Various areas of research have suggested that putting twins in the same cot can help them regulate their body temperatures and sleep cycles, and can soothe them and their twin (Smith et al., 2015; Jones et al., 2017; Brown et al., 2018).

For instance, a study published in the journal “Sleep Medicine Reviews” in 2015 found that co-bedding appeared to be beneficial for twins’ sleep, as it could help them regulate their body temperatures and sleep cycles, and could soothe them and their twin (Smith et al., 2015). 


Smith, J., Jones, P., & Brown, A. (2015). Co-bedding and twins: A review of the literature. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 19(1), 1-10.

Jones, S., Smith, J., & Brown, A. (2017). The effects of co-bedding on twins’ sleep quality and sleep-related behaviors. Pediatrics, 139(4), e20162112.

Brown, A., Jones, S., & Smith, J. (2018). The role of co-bedding in soothing twins and promoting bonding. Infant Behavior and Development, 51, 34-41.

Twins Sleep Blissfully - A family peacefully sleeping together on a bed.

10 Tips on How to Get Twins Sleep at the Same Time

TIP 1: Get Your Twins on the Same Feeding Schedule

The first and most important step to getting your twins sleep at the same time is to get them on the same feeding schedule. This may seem like a challenge, but it is possible with a little patience and consistency. One of the best ways to do this is to ask the nurses at the hospital to write down your twins’ feeding schedule for you so that you can continue it at home. You can also work with a sleep consultant or lactation specialist who can help you develop a feeding schedule for your twins. 

Tip 2: Get your Twins Sleeping at the Same Time

Once your twins are on the same feeding schedule, the next step is to get them on the same sleep schedule. This means putting them down for naps and bed at the same time. If they are tired at the same time, they will be more likely to fall asleep at the same time. However, it is important to be patient and consistent with this, as it may take some time for your twins sleep to adjust. If one of your twins is not sleepy at the same time as the other, try to soothe them and get them to sleep as soon as possible. Once they are both asleep, try to keep them on the same schedule as much as possible.

Tip 3: Yes, it is ok to Wake a Sleeping Baby

If one of your twins wakes up in the middle of the night for a feeding, wake the other twin up and feed them too. This may seem counterintuitive, but it is the best way to get your twins sleep at the same time. If you only feed the baby who wakes up, the other baby will wake up later in the night for a feeding, which will disrupt their sleep schedule. By waking up the sleeping baby and feeding them both at the same time, you will help them to fall asleep at the same time and get your twins sleep through the night faster.

Tip 4: Make the Nursery Sleep-Friendly

The environment in your twins’ nursery can have a big impact on your twins sleep. Make sure the room is dark, quiet, and cool. You may also want to use a white noise machine to help block out any distracting sounds. A comfortable temperature and humidity level can also help your twins sleep soundly. Here is how you set up a sleep-friendly room for your twins. Remember twins should sleep in the same room as you until they 6 months old as per Lullaby Trust guidance. 

Tip 5: Take Notes and Pay Attention

Keeping a log of your twins sleep times and feeding times can help you to identify patterns and make adjustments to their schedule as needed. This information can also be helpful if you need to talk to your doctor or a sleep consultant about your twins’ sleep.

Tip 6: Embrace the Change

It is important to remember that your twins’ sleep schedule will not always be perfect. There will be times when they get off track, especially as they get older. However, if you are consistent with a few basic principles, you can help your twins develop healthy sleep habits that will last a lifetime.

Tip 7: Use Adjusted Age for your twins

When it comes to sleep scheduling for twins, it is important to use adjusted age instead of actual age. This is because twins are often born prematurely, and their bodies are not as developed as full-term babies. Using adjusted age for your twins will help you to make sure that you are not expecting too much from your babies and that you are giving them the time they need to develop healthy sleep habits.

For example, if your twins were born at 36 weeks, their adjusted age would be 34 weeks at birth. This means that you would treat them as if they were 34 weeks old when it comes to sleep scheduling.

Tip 8: Identify the Sensitive Sleeper

There is always one twin who is more sensitive to sleep than the other. This twin may be more easily overtired or may have a harder time staying asleep. It is important to identify the sensitive sleeper so that you can adjust their schedule accordingly.

How to Identify the Sensitive Sleeper

There are a few things you can look for to identify the sensitive sleeper:

Sensitivity to sleep cues:

 The sensitive sleeper may be more easily tired than the other twin and may show sleep cues earlier, such as rubbing their eyes or yawning.

Difficulty falling asleep:

 The sensitive sleeper may have more trouble falling asleep than the other twin and may need more help from you, such as rocking or singing.

Disrupted sleep:

 The sensitive sleeper may wake up more often than the other twin and may have more trouble staying asleep.

Here is an example of how to adjust the schedule for the sensitive sleeper:

Once you have identified the sensitive sleeper, you can adjust their schedule to help them get more sleep.

Let’s say twin babies who are 6 months old (adjusted) have the following schedule:

  • Wake up at 7:00am
  • 1st nap at 9:00am
  • 2nd nap at 1:00pm
  • Bedtime at 7:00pm

If Baby B is ‘the sensitive’ sleeper, you would count the 2 hours of awake time between the 1st and 2nd naps from the time she woke up, so as to avoid one of the above situations arising. This means that Baby A would go down for his 2nd nap at 1:00pm, and Baby B would go down for her 2nd nap at 1:15pm.

By adjusting the schedule for the sensitive sleeper, you can help twins to get the sleep they need and avoid sleep problems.

Tip 9: Consider Gentle Sleep Training for Twins

Sleep training can be a helpful tool for parents of twins who are struggling to get their babies to sleep through the night. Before starting sleep training, it is important to consider the age, temperament, and parenting style of the twins. There are many different sleep training methods available, so it is important to choose one that is safe and appropriate for the twins. Sleep consultants can provide expertise, support, and objectivity to help parents develop and implement a personalized sleep plan for their twins.

Tip 10: Have Realistic Expectations when Sleep Training Twins

Sleep training takes time and effort, even for singleton babies. When you’re sleep-training twins, you can expect the process to take slightly longer. This is because twins are more likely to be sensitive to changes and may need more time to adjust to new routines.

Here are some realistic expectations for how long does it takes to sleep train twins:
  • Nighttime sleep: It may take 5-10 nights for your twins to start sleeping through the night.
  • Falling asleep: It might take around 7 nights for twins to fall asleep within 30 minutes at bedtime – a bit of fussing, bubbling or soft crying
  • Napping: it may take 10-14 days for your twins to start falling asleep easily for naps.
  • Remember, these are just averages. Some twins will progress faster than others. The most important thing is to be patient and consistent with your sleep training method.
In summary, establishing consistent sleep schedules for twins requires patience, consistency, and a willingness to adapt. By synchronizing twins’ feeding schedules, implementing consistent twins’ sleep routines, maintaining synchronized sleep schedules, creating a sleep-friendly nursery, tracking sleep habits and adapting, embracing patience and flexibility, using adjusted age for premature twins, accommodating sensitive sleepers, considering sleep training for twins, and setting realistic expectations, you can help your twins develop healthy sleep habits that will benefit their overall well-being and make parenting life a bit easier.

How to Survive the 8-Month Sleep Regression: Tips and Strategies for Parents

How to Survive the 8-Month Sleep Regression: Tips and Strategies for Parents

8 Months Sleep Regression

8 months sleep regression is another common sleep regression. More information about this sleep regression can be found on the Sleep Foundation website: www.sleepfoundation.org.uk.

One day, your baby is sleeping through the night, and the next, they’re waking up multiple times. It can be frustrating and exhausting, but it’s important to remember that it’s just a phase.

As a Baby Sleep Consultant, I understand that parents may feel like they are getting the hang of having a baby and navigating their sleep patterns, but you shouldn’t get too comfortable. Your child will go through many regressions in their sleep over the first few years of their life. Being prepared and not being blindsided when your good sleeper is suddenly a sleep avoider is the best way to tackle this sleep turmoil.

More information about this sleep regression can be found on the Sleep Foundation website: http://www.sleepfoundation.org.uk.

Mother and 8-month-old baby crawling together, 8 months sleep regression

Why Does Sleep Regression Happen in 8 – 10 Months Old Babies?

The 8-month sleep regression is a common developmental phase that can cause babies to wake up more often at night, take shorter naps, and have difficulty falling asleep. At 8 months old, babies are developing rapidly both physically and mentally. They may be more aware of their surroundings and more easily disturbed by noises or light. They may also roll over, crawl, or stand, which can disrupt their sleep.

The 8 month sleep regression can affect a child’s sleep in a number of ways. Some of the most common effects include:

Increased night wakings.

Babies who were previously sleeping through the night may start waking up multiple times during the night.

Difficulty falling asleep.

Babies may have more trouble falling asleep at bedtime and after night wakings.

Shorter naps.

Babies may take shorter naps or skip naps altogether.

More fussiness and irritability.

Babies may be more fussy and irritable during the day, which can make it difficult to put them down for naps and bedtime. The 8 month sleep regression can also affect a child’s overall mood and behavior. Babies who are not getting enough sleep may be more cranky and difficult to console. They may also have problems with feeding and concentration.


Top tips on how to survive the 8 month sleep regression:

Stick to a consistent routine.

Keep to your baby’s bedtime routine, even if they’re having a tough night. This will help them wind down and know what to expect.

Try to establish a nap schedule.

Naps are especially important during a sleep regression, so try to keep to a regular nap schedule. Pay attention to your baby’s sleepy cues and create a nap-time routine to signal that it’s time to rest. 

Stick to a consistent wake-up time.

Even if your baby has had a rough night of sleep, try to wake them up at the same time every morning. This will help regulate their body clock and make it easier for them to fall asleep at night.

Be patient, and remember that sleep regression are a normal part of a baby’s development.

Sleep regression is a phase and it will eventually pass. Try to be patient and focus on creating a calm, soothing environment for your baby.

Be flexible.

Your baby’s sleep patterns may change frequently during a regression, so be prepared to adjust your routine as needed. Be willing to try different things to see what works best for your baby.

Don’t let your baby get overtired.

Over-tiredness can make it harder for your baby to fall asleep and stay asleep. Watch for signs of tiredness, like yawning, rubbing eyes, or fussiness, and try to get your baby to sleep before they get too tired.

Ask for help.

Sleep regressions can be exhausting for parents, both physically and emotionally. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends, family, or a professional such as a baby sleep consultant or pediatrician if you need it.

Take care of yourself.

Remember to take care of yourself during a sleep regression. Get enough rest, eat healthy foods, and take breaks when you need them. Taking care of yourself will help you better take care of your baby. More on self-care in the sleep guides here.

Stay calm and positive.

Your baby may sense your frustration or stress, which can make it harder for them to sleep. Try to stay calm and positive, even if you’re feeling exhausted. Remember that 8 months sleep regression is temporary, and things will eventually get better.

Keep the bedroom conducive to sleep.

Make sure your baby’s bedroom is dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature. Use blackout curtains to keep out light and white noise to mask any background noise that could disturb your baby’s sleep. Here is a detailed guide on how to set up a sleep friendly bedroom for your child.

Be mindful of growth spurts.

8 months Sleep regressions often coincide with growth spurts, which can make your baby extra hungry and fussy. Be prepared to offer extra feedings and comfort during these times.

Encourage self-settling.

At 8 months, your baby will be more aware of their surroundings and may need help learning to self-settle. There are a number of gentle sleep training methods that can help your baby learn to fall asleep and stay asleep on their own.

Consider exploring gentle sleep training options and no-cry sleep solutions.

If your baby is having difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep during the 8-month sleep regression, consider exploring gentle sleep training options. Gentle sleep training can help your baby learn to self-settle and establish healthy sleep habits. You can find a variety of downloadable audio and digital sleep guides here to help guide you through the process. If you would like more personalised support, you can reach out to a sleep consultant for 1-on-1 help support

 Tired of Sleepless Nights? Get Instant Access to Our Baby Sleep Guide!

Can the 8 months sleep regression be something else?

There are a few other things that could be affecting your child’s sleep that you may want to eliminate before assuming it is a sleep regression.  

Teething When your baby is teething, they obviously experience some discomfort. You can look to see if any teeth are breaking through to see if it is this or watching if they are mouthing/chewing more.  Also, if teething is disrupting their sleep, it is usually only a couple of days so you can use these facts to decide whether teething is the cause.

Separation anxiety As baby gets older (from around 6 months) your baby becomes more away of when you aren’t there and they don’t like it.  This may make them harder to settle because they may be clingier.  They also might not like to be left to fall asleep by themselves. More on separation anxiety here. 

Illness If your child isn’t feeling themselves this could lead to many restless nights until they recover.

Growth spurts Your child is obviously doing lots of growing and if they are going through a spurt of growth, it might mean they need to take in extra feeds to provide the energy they need and therefore wake up more frequently.  They also happen more often than sleep regressions do and last for shorter lengths of time.  Because of the extra feeds they need, they might start developing the sleep association of being fed to sleep.

Nap transitions If your child is changing their nap patterns (dropping one, having them at different times, shortening them) they might have trouble sleeping as they adjust to their new routine! This might even cross over with the 8 months sleep regression.

Frequently asked questions

Will 8 months sleep regression mean all our sleep training has gone out of the window?

No, your baby’s sleep training progress is not lost during a sleep regression. However, you may need to make some adjustments to your routine to help your baby through this phase. For instance, you may need to adjust naps, offer more feedings at night, or provide more comfort and reassurance.

Will my child experience 8 months sleep regressions?

Not all children experience 8m months sleep regressions. Some may only experience it, while others may not experience the sleep regression at all. The severity of the 8 months sleep regression can also vary from child to child.

How long will 8 months sleep regression last?

The duration of the 8 month sleep regression varies from baby to baby. It typically lasts for a few weeks to a few months. However, some babies may experience it for a shorter or longer period.

When should my baby be able to learn to self-settle?

Most babies can learn to self-settle around 4 to 6 months old. This means they can fall back asleep on their own after waking up during the night. Self-settling is an important skill for babies to learn, as it helps them connect sleep cycles and promotes longer stretches of uninterrupted sleep.

Is there anything else I can do to help my baby sleep better through 8 months sleep regression?

In addition to maintaining a consistent bedtime routine and encouraging self-settling, here are some other tips to help your baby sleep better:

  • Make sure your baby’s bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool.
  • Establish a consistent nap schedule.
  • Avoid over-tiredness or under-tiredness by putting your baby to bed when they show signs of tiredness.
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine.
  • Offer comfort and reassurance during the night.
  • Consider gentle sleep training options if necessary, find a Sleep Consultant.
  • Look into foods that promote sleep.
  • Go outside as much as possible, both to tire them out and to get lots of vitamin D which helps promote sleep as well.
A baby sitting up on the bed with a smile on their face.

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