Clocks Go Forward, What Now? How Do You Adjust Your Child’s Routine?

Clocks Go Forward, What Now? How Do You Adjust Your Child’s Routine?


Every time the clocks go forward or backward, parents across the world whose baby has finally settled into a nice sleep schedule or sleep routine go into a panic. As parents, we will happily adjust to an hour-later wake-up call but does that mean they are going to stay up later too? It’s also a great time to adjust bedtimes and nap times if needed or wanted, it all seems to be subject to change due to Day Light Saving Time – what can we expect?

Spring Forward, Fall Back

We are taught this saying to remember which way the clocks are going but, is it just us or can we also spring back and fall forwards meaning we still have to rack our baby-tired brains for the answer?

In March, the clocks go forwards by an hour and as our Baby Sleep Coach inbox begins to fill with worried parents; we wanted to share some quick tips for ways you might want to adapt your routine.

Reference: – Entrainment of the human circadian clock to the natural light-dark cycle, The National Library of Medicine

Girl holding a clock - symbolising Clocks Go Forward



1) Start Putting Your Baby To Bed Slightly Earlier

To help with the transition of an hour, start putting your child to bed slightly earlier from Thursday. We recommend just 15 minutes early on Thursday and then to keep increasing by 15 minutes nightly until Sunday when you can put them to bed at the normal time. This can help by allowing your child minor adaptions and hopefully, the small changes will mean the wake-up time isn’t disturbed.

2) If your Baby wakes up an hour later once the times have changed, gently adjust naps

We all know the joy of trying to keep baby awake that little bit longer around nap time, but if your baby does wake up an hour later in the morning try to adjust their naps by 20 minutes so that they falling into the ‘new time’ schedule throughout the day. This should only take a day or two to allow them to adjust.

3) Go Outside!

The natural light/dark times affects our circadian rhythm which is a large factor in your body’s sleep preparation. Unsurprisingly, the ‘daylight savings time’ was created to capture the main hours of light! We have spoken about the positive effects of Vitamin D previously but it is definitely worth getting outside to let your baby soak up some natural light on the day the clocks go forward.

4) Don’t adjust anything.

A lot of parents just carry on with their normal routines when the clocks change, whilst mentally preparing to potentially struggle to stick to bedtimes. Just as our bodies naturally adapt, so do our little ones. This is the method we at Sleepy Angels will be using, but it’s all personal preference. With my own children, I sometimes haven’t even realised the clock has changed!

Learn about the impact of daylight saving time on children’s sleep patterns from a study published in the journal “Sleep Medicine Reviews.

What About Feeding Times When The Clocks Go Forward?

  • When it comes to adjusting feeding and breastfeeding times with the clock going forward, a gradual approach is often best. Start by shifting your feeding times by 10-15 minutes earlier each day leading up to the time change. This gradual adjustment can help your baby adapt to the new schedule without causing too much disruption. Similarly, if you’re breastfeeding, try to nurse your baby at the new adjusted times to sync with the clock change. For more tips on breastfeeding, check out our comprehensive breastfeeding blog HERE.
  • As for weaning and eating solid foods, you can also gradually shift meal times by 10-15 minutes earlier each day leading up to the clock change. This allows your baby’s internal body clock to adjust gradually. Be mindful of your baby’s hunger cues and adjust portion sizes accordingly to ensure they’re still getting enough nutrients throughout the day. Additionally, maintain a consistent mealtime routine to provide structure and predictability for your baby during this transition period. With patience and consistency, your baby will soon adapt to the new feeding schedule aligned with the clock going forward. Additionally, explore our sleepy foods blog HERE.

Ready to tackle the challenges of adjusting your child’s sleep routine? Don’t navigate it alone! Explore expert resources and consultancy services tailored to your child’s unique sleep needs. Take the first step towards better sleep for your little one today.

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