Sweet Potato and Avocado Puree Snooze Blend

Sweet Potato and Avocado Puree Snooze Blend

About this Recipe

Incorporated into this recipe for Sweet Potato and Avocado Puree are three ingredients renowned for their sleep-inducing properties. Sweet potatoes, avocados, and milk offer a trifecta of nutrients and compounds known to promote relaxation and enhance sleep quality.

Sweet potatoes are rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber, which can help promote feelings of fullness and satiety.

They also contain vitamin B6, essential for serotonin production, a neurotransmitter crucial for mood and sleep regulation. Studies have indicated that certain nutrients found in sweet potatoes, particularly potassium and magnesium, are associated with improved sleep quality and duration, known for its role in muscle relaxation and better sleep quality.

sweet potato and avocado puree for better sleep for babies

Avocado:  is a nutrient-dense fruit that contains healthy fats, including monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids. These fats are essential for brain health and may help regulate neurotransmitters involved in sleep, such as serotonin and melatonin. Avocados also provide magnesium and potassium.

Milk: contains tryptophan, the precursor to serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin helps regulate mood and promotes relaxation, while melatonin signals to the body that it’s time to sleep by regulating the sleep-wake cycle. By providing a natural source of tryptophan, milk may aid in the production of these sleep-inducing neurotransmitters, contributing to a more restful night’s sleep. Incorporating milk into recipes like the Sweet Potato Avocado Puree can offer a comforting and sleep-promoting option for both infants and adults.

For the full list of sleepy foods to incorporate to your child’s evening meals click here.

Incorporating these sleepy foods into your baby’s evening routine can help promote a smoother transition to sleep and aid in maintaining restful sleep throughout the night. So why not treat your little one to a soothing bowl of Sweet Potato and Avocado Puree tonight? With this delicious and nourishing option, your baby will find it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep, waking up refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead!


Ingredients and Instructions:

  • 1 small sweet potato
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 2-3 tablespoons of breast milk or formula
  • Pinch of ground cinnamon (optional)
  • Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C). Wash the sweet potato and pierce it several times with a fork. Place it on a baking sheet and bake for about 45-50 minutes, or until it’s soft and tender.
  • Once the sweet potato is baked and cooled, scoop out the flesh and place it in a blender or food processor.
  • Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit, and scoop out the flesh into the blender or food processor with the sweet potato.
  • Add 2-3 tablespoons of breast milk or formula to the blender or food processor to help with blending and to achieve a smooth consistency.
  • Blend the mixture until smooth and creamy, adding more liquid if necessary to reach the desired consistency.
  • Transfer the sweet potato and avocado puree to a bowl and serve to your baby. The combination of sweet potato and avocado puree provides healthy fats and nutrients that can help promote relaxation and sleepiness.

As your baby progresses in their weaning journey, you can introduce seasoning and flavourings such as garlic, ginger, or herbs such as basil, mint or parsley to further enhance the taste and nutritional profile of this sweet potato and avocado  puree.

Remember to always check the temperature of the food before serving it to your baby and be mindful of any potential allergies or sensitivities. If you have any concerns or questions about your baby’s diet, consult with your pediatrician.

This Sweet Potato and Avocado Puree makes a perfect evening meal for your baby. It’s nutritious, delicious, and helps promote a peaceful night’s sleep. After trying it out, feel free to share your experience with us!

Foods That Help Baby Sleep, List of Sleep Inducing Foods, Meal Ideas, and Ideal Meal Times.

Foods That Help Baby Sleep, List of Sleep Inducing Foods, Meal Ideas, and Ideal Meal Times.


Welcome to our blog! Are you up at night, desperately searching for ways to help your baby sleep through the night and wake up less frequently? Look no further! Today, we’re diving into the wonderful world of sleep-inducing foods for your little one. In this journey, we’ll uncover practical tips and delicious mealtime options aimed at ensuring uninterrupted sleep for your baby or toddler. So, join us as we explore FOODS THAT HELP BABY SLEEP.

Additionally, I’d like to introduce you to a fascinating study that explores the reciprocal relationship between sleep and diet. This study highlights how these behaviors may influence each other, discussing how insufficient sleep adversely impacts dietary intakes and how dietary patterns rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and tryptophan-containing foods predict favorable sleep outcomes. It emphasises the importance of adopting a healthful diet to improve sleep quality and promote sustained favorable dietary practices.


Assortment of foods that help baby sleep

Foods That Help Baby Sleep – let’s dive in:

Generally speaking, look for foods that are high in melatonin which helps to control the body’s circadian rhythm, vitamin B6 which helps the brain produce melatonin, tryptophan and vitamin C which helps to produce serotonin and melatonin. Also foods rich in potassium and magnesium.


List Of Foods That Help Baby Sleep:

  • Tart cherries and tart cherry juice
  • Banana, Pineapple, Kiwi, Figs, Oranges
  • Avocado, tomatoes
  • Broccoli, carrots, sweetcorn
  • Kale, spinach, lettuce
  • Soybeans (edamame)
  • Milk, Natural unsweetened yoghurt
  • Eggs
  • Poultry especially turkey
  • Fatty fish
  • Walnuts, pistachios and. cashews
  • Oats, wheat and barley
  • Rice, beans, lentils
  • Sweet potatoes, butternut squash
We’ve Explored Foods Thant Help Baby Sleep, But What About the Breastfeeding Mum?
Many mums opt for breastfeeding their baby, as it ensures that their breast milk is infused with sleep-supporting nutrients. The nutrients from foods that mums consume pass through into breast milk.

Breastfeeding mums should steer clear of excessive stimulants in their diet, such as caffeine, artificial additives, and sugar, especially if they are focusing on incorporating foods to help their little one sleep. Similarly, consuming foods rich in the amino acid tryptophan can be beneficial for breastfeeding moms aiming to support their baby’s sleep.

So, what should a breastfeeding mum eat? Tryptophan is abundant in a variety of foods, including turkey, eggs, wheat, oats, soy products, bananas, and green leafy vegetables. All these foods contain tryptophan, which aids in the production of the hormone melatonin to regulate sleep.

In a concise study titled “Analysis, Nutrition, and Health Benefits of Tryptophan” by Friedman M. (2018), published in the International Journal of Tryptophan Research, the author delves into the intricate analysis, nutritional aspects, and health benefits associated with tryptophan. Tryptophan, an essential amino acid, plays a crucial role in various physiological processes, including sleep regulation. The study provides valuable insights into the significance of tryptophan in promoting overall health and well-being.


Image of a breastfeeding mother and her baby - list off foods for breastfeeding mum - foods that help baby sleep

Weaning And Foods That Help Baby Sleep Well. 

As your baby begins to wean at about 6 months of age, you can introduce foods that help your little one to sleep. Aim for foods that are nutritious and easy to digest, and steer clear of stimulants such as caffeine and artificial additives. Many parents don’t realise that chocolate can contain caffeine, so it’s wise to limit your baby or toddler’s consumption of this sweet treat.

Foods that help baby sleep include those foods rich in tryptophan as listed above. You can get creative and introduce shredded turkey into soups and broths for your baby.

Scrambled eggs with small amounts of spinach wilted down make a great sleep-supporting dinner or opt for easy-to-bake simple oat-based cookies sweetened with mashed banana or opt oats and banana pancakes.

Or whizz up a simple smoothie from milk (baby milk), banana, oats and spinach.

In addition, consider slower burning carbohydrates as a smart choice so that nutrients are absorbed at a slower rate.  Oats, sweet potatoes, rice and butternut squash all contain complex carbs Foods rich in B-vitamins also support sleep.

Beans, lentils, broccoli, avocados, and bananas help your child to produce the calming and relaxing hormones of serotonin.

Leading children’s food expert, Annabel Karmel, has some fantastic sleep-supporting recipes that you and your baby can enjoy as part of a healthy diet.

The BBC Good Food website lists a range of healthy recipes that include many of the foods listed above, including meal ideas that are suited for baby-led weaning and toddlers.

“Aim to cook up a storm for you and your baby to make the most of the foods that help baby sleep better.”

A bedtime milk feed for babies and toddlers continues to be an important source of nutrition for your child. A small warm bottle of milk or a breastfeeding prior to sleep at night can have a soothing effect that helps the baby relax and sleep.

    Sample Our Selection of Sleep-Inducing Recipes

    What Is The Suggested Time To Eat Dinner

    You’ll know yourself that trying to settle to sleep on a full stomach after a large meal is uncomfortable and unlikely to result in settled sleep. Your baby will benefit from well-timed meals too.

    A large meal immediately before bed raises your baby’s metabolic rate and body temperature. This can make it harder to settle to sleep.

    Aim that the evening meal for babies that are weaning is given around 1 ½ hours before bedtime. That leaves enough time for awake activity and bath time, and then a final milk feed which will all help with your baby’s sleep.

      In Summary:

      So, to help your baby sleep through the night, aim to build the following tips into your baby’s routine today:

      • Avoid foods that will ruin your child’s sleep. If you are breastfeeding, avoid caffeine and artificial additives.

      • Eat foods rich in tryptophan

      • Avoid giving babies that are weaning caffeine and artificial additives.

      • Remember, foods that help baby sleep should include foods rich in tryptophan, B-vitamins, and complex carbohydrates.

      • Allow time for your baby to digest their evening meal before bed.

      • A warm milk drink or breastfeeding immediately before bed can help your baby relax and sleep well.

      If you’re ever unsure about what foods to introduce or have concerns about your baby’s sleep habits, don’t hesitate to consult with a pediatrician or a registered dietitian. They can provide personalised guidance based on your baby’s specific needs.

      Halloween Sleepy Food Ideas To Get Your Children Sleeping Well

      Halloween Sleepy Food Ideas To Get Your Children Sleeping Well

      As Halloween approaches, parents everywhere may be wondering how with all the Halloween Treats they can still trick their little one into going to bed at a reasonable time.

      Whilst planning earlier Halloween activities such as an afternoon Halloween party instead of a nighttime chocolate feast is a good idea if you’ve got little ones – this isn’t always possible, especially if your toddler has older siblings. We have listed some of our favourite sleep-inducing foods but with a spooky twist to let the kids join in the fun (but until a reasonable time!).

      The important thing is to have fun like one night of sugar-fuelled sleep issues won’t affect your routine as long as you pick it up the next day.
      The recipes below include foods that increase the production of sleep-inducing hormones. You can read more about these on our Foods and the full list of foods that Promote Sleep Blog here.


      Now, onto our spooktacular Sleepy Halloween Treats:

      halloween pancakes sleepy food to help kids sleep

      Spooky Sleepy Banana Pancakes

      Our banana and oat pancakes are a spooktacular way to include melatonin in your little one’s meal. The most important thing to remember is that – pancakes aren’t just for breakfast! These make a great, healthy dessert or Halloween treat. They can be whipped up easily within 15 minutes by an adult or it’s a great task to include your baby or toddler in as a messy play or learning experience – depending on their age!

      Ingredients (to make enough for 1 adult and 1 little!):

      • 2 ripe bananas

      • 2 Eggs

      • 8 TBSP or ½ Cup of rolled oats

      • ½ TSP baking powder

      • Cherries as a melatonin rich addition (optional)

      • Cherry jam to drizzle (optional)

        Treat Tip: If your child is a little older, consider whether to use chocolate chips as the ‘eyes’ of the ghost – but don’t forget your cherries for the mouth and drizzle to keep that sleepy secret sauce!


      • Mash up the bananas in a bowl with either a fruit masher or the back of a fork.
        Tip: This is a great part for your little one to help with.
      • Whisk the 2 eggs together and add to your bananas. Continue to mix well until they have formed one mixture.
        Tip: If you’re trying to be quick then you can add all the ingredients to a blender or hand blend!
      • Heat up your pan with a little oil on a medium high heat.
      • Add the rolled oats and the baking powder, mix well and then stand for a few minutes minutes to thicken.
      • Turn the pan to a medium heat and ladle/spoon the pancake mixture into the pan. Try to make some ghoulish shapes!
      • Cook for few minutes on medium heat.
      • Flip the pancakes and cook for a further few minutes.
      • Serve up, don’t forget to get creative with the fruit, jam, dessert sauce, chocolate chips or whatever you and your family are using.

      Let us know how it goes with a photo in the comments!

      halloween green smoothie food to help child sleep

      Green Sleeping Potion Smoothie

      This one is a super easy win and filled with fantastic nutrients! If your little one is old enough to participate in some imaginary play you could pretend you are making a magical potion together.

      All you need is:

      1 Banana

      Ice cubes

      A handful of Kale

      1 ripe Avocado

      Fresh orange juice (add to correct consistency)


      Put all the ingredients into your magic cauldron (or a blender if you don’t have a cauldron!) and blend until it is a smooth, green consistency. The avocado should make the potion smooth but if it’s too ‘green’ for your children, add some more orange juice.

        healthy ice cream to help child sleep

        Spiderlicious Ice Cream

        • 4 ripe bananas (the riper they are, they sweeter they will be) cut into round slices, frozen.

        • 2/3 cup full-fat coconut milk or unsweetened almond milk

        • 2 cups loosely packed baby spinach or to taste

        Blend together the coconut milk / unsweetened almond milk and the baby spinach.

        Once your have the spinach-puree, add the frozen bananas in and blend again until it reaches the desired consistency.

        Enjoy immediately or put into a loaf tin or similar, tightly sealed and into the freezer.

          edamame dip sleepy food for halloween to help kids sleep

          Edamame Dip With Carrot Sticks

          12 oz edamame frozen or fresh, shelled

          1 lemon just the juice

          1 clove garlic

          1/4 tsp cumin ground

          1/4 tsp black pepper

          1/4-1/3 cup olive oil


          • Fill a saucepan with boiling water. Add frozen edamame to the water and boil for 4-5 minutes. Drain and allow to cool.
          • In the bowl of a food processor, add edamame, garlic, cumin, salt, pepper and lemon juice. Turn on the machine and process for 2 minutes.
          • Scrape down the sides of the processor bowl and turn machine on again.  With the machine still running, slowly stream in olive oil through the feed tube. Check for consistency and seasoning.
          • You may top with a bit more olive oil, lemon juice and a sprinkling paprika if desired. Serve alongside fresh veggies, slices of pitta bread, breadsticks or some tortilla crisps for older children.
          turkey meatballs with halloween pumpkin

          Turkey Meatballs That Will Make Your Child Sleep

          • ground turkey

          • rolled oats

          • onion powder

          • garlic powder

          • dried parsley

          • dried basil

          • dried oregano

          • salt

          • pepper

          • egg


          Preheat oven at 400F (200 C) or pop then in air fryer for 20 minutes.

          Mix all the ingredients together and shape them mixture into balls.

          Place them on a baking tray and bake in preheated oven or fry them in your air fryer.

          You can add grated courgettes to hide some extra veg into you child’s food.

          We hope the recipes above help you have a few Spooky but Sleepy treats this Halloween! Remember, it’s important not to put too much pressure on yourself to stick to bedtime routines on one off instances like these. Whilst our sleep routines are important, so are the memories we create together on special occasions. If you’re going to visit family this Halloween and your child will be sleeping elsewhere, don’t forget to check out our blog on How To Get Your Baby To Sleep Whilst Travelling.

          Have you downloaded your freebie yet? Top 10 Baby Sleep Coach Tips To Help Your Baby Sleep Better Guide! If not, then make sure to click here.

          For more advice on how to help your baby sleep and find a baby sleep solution that works for you and your family, you can check out our
           1 : 1 consultation services or our new baby sleep guides which come with free access to my Sleepy Village Facebook community for easy access to get your questions answered.

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