Foods That Help Baby Sleep, List of Sleep Inducing Foods, Meal Ideas, and Ideal Meal Times.

Foods That Help Baby Sleep, List of Sleep Inducing Foods, Meal Ideas, and Ideal Meal Times.


Welcome to our blog! Are you up at night, desperately searching for ways to help your baby sleep through the night and wake up less frequently? Look no further! Today, we’re diving into the wonderful world of sleep-inducing foods for your little one. In this journey, we’ll uncover practical tips and delicious mealtime options aimed at ensuring uninterrupted sleep for your baby or toddler. So, join us as we explore FOODS THAT HELP BABY SLEEP.

Additionally, I’d like to introduce you to a fascinating study that explores the reciprocal relationship between sleep and diet. This study highlights how these behaviors may influence each other, discussing how insufficient sleep adversely impacts dietary intakes and how dietary patterns rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and tryptophan-containing foods predict favorable sleep outcomes. It emphasises the importance of adopting a healthful diet to improve sleep quality and promote sustained favorable dietary practices.

Assortment of foods that help baby sleep

Foods That Help Baby Sleep – let’s dive in:

Generally speaking, look for foods that are high in melatonin which helps to control the body’s circadian rhythm, vitamin B6 which helps the brain produce melatonin, tryptophan and vitamin C which helps to produce serotonin and melatonin. Also foods rich in potassium and magnesium.


List Of Foods That Help Baby Sleep:

  • Tart cherries and tart cherry juice
  • Banana, Pineapple, Kiwi, Figs, Oranges
  • Avocado, tomatoes
  • Broccoli, carrots, sweetcorn
  • Kale, spinach, lettuce
  • Soybeans (edamame)
  • Milk, Natural unsweetened yoghurt
  • Eggs
  • Poultry especially turkey
  • Fatty fish
  • Walnuts, pistachios and. cashews
  • Oats, wheat and barley
  • Rice, beans, lentils
  • Sweet potatoes, butternut squash
We’ve Explored Foods Thant Help Baby Sleep, But What About the Breastfeeding Mum?
Many mums opt for breastfeeding their baby, as it ensures that their breast milk is infused with sleep-supporting nutrients. The nutrients from foods that mums consume pass through into breast milk.

Breastfeeding mums should steer clear of excessive stimulants in their diet, such as caffeine, artificial additives, and sugar, especially if they are focusing on incorporating foods to help their little one sleep. Similarly, consuming foods rich in the amino acid tryptophan can be beneficial for breastfeeding moms aiming to support their baby’s sleep.

So, what should a breastfeeding mum eat? Tryptophan is abundant in a variety of foods, including turkey, eggs, wheat, oats, soy products, bananas, and green leafy vegetables. All these foods contain tryptophan, which aids in the production of the hormone melatonin to regulate sleep.

In a concise study titled “Analysis, Nutrition, and Health Benefits of Tryptophan” by Friedman M. (2018), published in the International Journal of Tryptophan Research, the author delves into the intricate analysis, nutritional aspects, and health benefits associated with tryptophan. Tryptophan, an essential amino acid, plays a crucial role in various physiological processes, including sleep regulation. The study provides valuable insights into the significance of tryptophan in promoting overall health and well-being.

Image of a breastfeeding mother and her baby - list off foods for breastfeeding mum - foods that help baby sleep

Weaning And Foods That Help Baby Sleep Well. 

As your baby begins to wean at about 6 months of age, you can introduce foods that help your little one to sleep. Aim for foods that are nutritious and easy to digest, and steer clear of stimulants such as caffeine and artificial additives. Many parents don’t realise that chocolate can contain caffeine, so it’s wise to limit your baby or toddler’s consumption of this sweet treat.

Foods that help baby sleep include those foods rich in tryptophan as listed above. You can get creative and introduce shredded turkey into soups and broths for your baby.

Scrambled eggs with small amounts of spinach wilted down make a great sleep-supporting dinner or opt for easy-to-bake simple oat-based cookies sweetened with mashed banana or opt oats and banana pancakes.

Or whizz up a simple smoothie from milk (baby milk), banana, oats and spinach.

In addition, consider slower burning carbohydrates as a smart choice so that nutrients are absorbed at a slower rate.  Oats, sweet potatoes, rice and butternut squash all contain complex carbs Foods rich in B-vitamins also support sleep.

Beans, lentils, broccoli, avocados, and bananas help your child to produce the calming and relaxing hormones of serotonin.

Leading children’s food expert, Annabel Karmel, has some fantastic sleep-supporting recipes that you and your baby can enjoy as part of a healthy diet.

The BBC Good Food website lists a range of healthy recipes that include many of the foods listed above, including meal ideas that are suited for baby-led weaning and toddlers.

“Aim to cook up a storm for you and your baby to make the most of the foods that help baby sleep better.”

A bedtime milk feed for babies and toddlers continues to be an important source of nutrition for your child. A small warm bottle of milk or a breastfeeding prior to sleep at night can have a soothing effect that helps the baby relax and sleep.

    Sample Our Selection of Sleep-Inducing Recipes

    What Is The Suggested Time To Eat Dinner

    You’ll know yourself that trying to settle to sleep on a full stomach after a large meal is uncomfortable and unlikely to result in settled sleep. Your baby will benefit from well-timed meals too.

    A large meal immediately before bed raises your baby’s metabolic rate and body temperature. This can make it harder to settle to sleep.

    Aim that the evening meal for babies that are weaning is given around 1 ½ hours before bedtime. That leaves enough time for awake activity and bath time, and then a final milk feed which will all help with your baby’s sleep.

      In Summary:

      So, to help your baby sleep through the night, aim to build the following tips into your baby’s routine today:

      • Avoid foods that will ruin your child’s sleep. If you are breastfeeding, avoid caffeine and artificial additives.

      • Eat foods rich in tryptophan

      • Avoid giving babies that are weaning caffeine and artificial additives.

      • Remember, foods that help baby sleep should include foods rich in tryptophan, B-vitamins, and complex carbohydrates.

      • Allow time for your baby to digest their evening meal before bed.

      • A warm milk drink or breastfeeding immediately before bed can help your baby relax and sleep well.

      If you’re ever unsure about what foods to introduce or have concerns about your baby’s sleep habits, don’t hesitate to consult with a pediatrician or a registered dietitian. They can provide personalised guidance based on your baby’s specific needs.

      How to Create a Sleep Friendly Bedroom for My Child?

      How to Create a Sleep Friendly Bedroom for My Child?


      Arranging your child’s bedroom in a way that supports sleep can not only promote a more relaxing environment to fall asleep in but also an environment that supports resettling,  should your child wake during the night. You are aiming for the bedroom to be a calm, inviting space that your child associates with sleep.  

      “Let’s consider a range of strategies that can help you to create a sleep friendly bedroom for your child” 
      Family reading a book together in a cozy, sleep-friendly bedroom

      Make The Children’s Bedroom A Screen Free Zone

      • To create sleep friendly bedroom, aim to make the bedroom, and especially the bed, a no-screen zone, even during the day. Research shows that TV watching in the bedroom impacts young children’s sleep. The artificial blue light emitted by screens of televisions, smartphones, tablets, computers, and gaming systems promotes alertness and impacts our sleep-wake cycle or circadian rhythm.
      • Many parents find that using a nightlight emitting a red-light wavelength can support sleep by stimulating the production of the sleepy hormone, melatonin.  If your child is scared of the dark we recommend using a red night light, a lot of parents use soft glow room thermometers which have a gentle orange glow when the room is the right temperature. Try to avoid leaving the door open as this can be a fire hazard. Avoid being able to see blue lights as discussed here.

      How Do I Make Sleep Friendly room for my child?

      • Set the thermostat to a slightly cooler temperature to support your toddler to feel sleepy. Aim for between 16 – 18 degrees. Breathable cotton clothing can also help with keeping cool at night.

      Top Tip – put socks on your baby, under their sleep clothes, and the sleeping bag. Room temperature normally drops at around 5 am, this can wake your child as their feet suddenly get cold. Often the extra pair of socks can help with early rising.

      • Always Keep the sleep friendly bedroom quiet and consider using a white noise machine to mask outside sounds – particularly if your child has been used to this as a baby.
      • Use dark curtains or blackout blinds to block out light for ultimate sleep friendly bedroom environment.
      Family with older child and baby in a Moses basket in a cozy, sleep friendly bedroom"

      Sleep Friendly Bedroom Set Up For A Newborn To 1 Year Old

      • Opt for a soothing color scheme: Choose soft, calming colors like pastels or neutrals to promote a relaxing atmosphere conducive to sleep.
      • Avoid clutter and excessive decor in the nursery to minimize distractions that could disrupt sleep.
      • Use blackout curtains or shades to block out excess light during nap times and bedtime. Soft, dimmable lighting can also help create a cozy ambiance.
      • In the room, you should have a cot or Moses or a travel cot or carrycot. Use a good quality, firm, flat, and waterproof mattress covered with a cotton sheet. You will need a sleeping bag for a baby and light cellular blankets (remember to tuck those in, never have them loose in the cot with a baby).
      • Avoid using sleep pods or nests, sleepyheads, sleep positioners, hammocks, cot bumpers, pillows, duvets, loose heavy, non-breathable blankets, comforters, or soft toys for children under 1 year old. Make sure to always follow  Lullaby Trust safety recommendations! to prevent your baby from SIDS.
      • Monitor safety hazards: Regularly check the room for any potential safety hazards such as loose cords, sharp objects, or choking hazards that could pose a risk to your baby.

      Sleep Friendly Bedroom For Older Child

      • Use comfortable bedding and pillows that are appropriate for the temperature of the room – don’t forget to let your child help select their bedding or make it relevant to their likes and interests.
      • The Lullaby Trust recommends no bedding until after 12 months and ideally not until the child is using a toddler bed as opposed to a cot with raised sides. In these sleep guides, you will find great techniques that will help you with transitioning from co-sleeping, transitioning to the cot, or transitioning to a toddler bed.
      • Minimise electronics: Remove electronic devices from sleep friendly bedrooms such as TVs, computers, and smartphones from the bedroom, as the blue light emitted from screens can disrupt sleep patterns. Encourage quiet activities like reading before bedtime instead.
      • Check for safety hazards: Regularly inspect the bedroom for any potential safety hazards such as loose cords, unstable furniture, or clutter that could pose a risk to your child’s safety during sleep.

      How To Avoid Any Bedroom  Anxieties:

      • You can leave an item or an object that reminds your child of you to support your child to manage any sense of separation anxiety. For example, they could place one of your pyjama tops under their pillow as a reminder that you are never far away. A photo could serve a similar purpose.
      • Many children have a transitional object: a particular favorite teddy or blanket that helps them to feel secure when they are not there. This can be a great support to a child. If your child has a transitional object, encourage them to take this into the bedroom at sleep time. You can use “teddy” as a means of talking about sleep needs. For example, “Teddy has had a busy day and wants to be quiet and calm now. Can you keep Teddy company and help him drop to sleep?”

      Sleep Friendly Bedroom for Older Children: What to Watch Out For:

      • Attend to any objects that cast potentially frightening shadows at night. This could leave a child frightened. You can ask your child if there is anything they want to take out of their bedroom to get a sense of what may potentially scare them.
      • If your child plays in their bedroom, involve them in tidying away toys before bed, so there is a clear separation between “playtime” and “sleep time,” thus creating a sleep-friendly bedroom environment that is calming and relaxing.
      • If your child shares their room with a sibling, ensure each child has a separate space to call their own.

        Are you in need of more personalised sleep advice tailored to your child’s needs? Reach out to me today and let me help you create the perfect sleep environment for your little one!
        Screen Time for Children. Does Blue Light Affect my Child’s Sleep?

        Screen Time for Children. Does Blue Light Affect my Child’s Sleep?


        Discussions around Blue Light and its effects are becoming more popular than ever, with a lot of devices now offering blue light filters to decrease our exposure. Whilst as adults, the majority of us decide to ignore this guidance, are our babies and children over-exposed and can this take some of the blame for their difficulties sleeping?

        boy thinking about blue light affect on sleep

        What Is Blue Light? Does Blue Light Affect Melatonin Production?

        Without getting too technical, all light (and colour) is made up of wavelengths and of those wavelengths, Violet and Blue are the shortest. Due to being the shortest, they interact with our Circadian Rhythm, which is our body’s internal clock and one of the largest factors that can influence either restful and restorative sleep or cause disrupted and unsatisfactory baby sleep.
        The reason it causes this effect is that Blue Light suppresses the production of Melatonin, the hormone which makes us sleepy. That’s not to say that all exposure to Blue Light is bad, we require this exposure during the day to keep our bodies awake and working correctly! However, with babies and young children who require naps, it’s a fine balance.

        Where Is Blue Light?

        Blue light can be found in the sunshine (along with Vitamin D, which if you haven’t read our blog about it can be found here) which helps to promote sleep quality if exposed at the right time of the day. However, we can also get an artificial blue light on our devices with screens and even from some LED light bulbs. Some items such as night lights and the popular gro clock produce blue light! We recommend parents always check for whether an item uses blue light when you are buying baby nursery decorations or nursery accessories- or anywhere baby sleeps!

        Image of a boy using a laptop, exposed to blue light emissions

        How Can I Limit  Blue Light Exposure To Help My Baby Sleep Better?

        It’s no secret that experts advise screen-time be limited for children, whilst this is something we all strive for in our daily lives it can easily be disrupted. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we just need the kids to be distracted whilst we get something done!  It’s tempting to use this any allocated screen time in the evening as we get tired and have more to do, but trying to keep the little ones away from screens for 2 hours before bed is the ideal practise so as not to mess with the Melatonin production.

        Introducing… Red Light!

        On the opposite end of the spectrum to its cousin Blue Light, Red light is the longest wavelength and has been proven to improve the production of Melatonin in the body and have no effect on the circadian rhythm.
        You can buy red nights lights, a salt lamp, a red lampshade to swap over in the evenings or even multi-coloured light bulbs that can be controlled from an app on your phone! If buying any of these is an option for you then we would recommend giving it a try.

        blog photos with alt text 2

        Are Ways To Counter Blue Light During Baby’s Bedtime Routine?

        In addition to avoiding screen-time for 2 hours before bed, our recommendation is to incorporate a peaceful bedtime routine. An example might be:

        • Having your evening meal in a room without TV (or turn the TV off)

        • Follow this up with some round the table games or conversation. Depending on how old your child is, this is also a great way to incorporate some family bonding! If you have a baby who can sit in the highchair you could use this time to exaggerate eating practices and try to get your baby to copy as a fun, developmental practise.

        “Choosing The Right Foods In The Evening Can Also Help Baby To Sleep Through The Night. You Can Read About The Foods That Promote Sleep Here.”

        • Once the meal has settled and there has been some interaction, a great next step is bath-time. If you have the time, it’s always great to involve some play in the water. Don’t worry too much about getting baby excited at this point.

        • Once the baby/child is out and wrapped in a fluffy towel, it’s time to start using a quieter tone and making the drying and moisturising process calming. If you have learnt any baby massage techniques now would be a great time to use those and if you have red light available this would be a good point to use this.

        • Time for a bedtime story and cuddles before you put to bed routine, this might involve some bedtime milk.

        So The Answer Is Yes, According To Scientific Research, Blue Light Can Affect Your Baby’s Sleep But By Applying Some Of Our Baby Sleep Expert Advice You Can Manage Your Sleepy Angel’s Exposure To Help Them Get A Restful Sleep.

        5 Ways To Make Going Back To Work As A Mum Easier

        5 Ways To Make Going Back To Work As A Mum Easier

        Whether you’re going back to work after maternity leave or going back to work after being a stay at home mum, chances are you’re feeling a whole range of emotions about the transition. Not just for your little one but for you too!I wanted to share with you 5 ways you can make going back to work as a mum easier on the whole family, using my decades of experience working with families and their little angels.

        1) Handover To Child-Care

        When someone else is looking after your little one on a more regular basis, especially the first few times, it’s common to think of aspects of care that you’ve forgotten to mention multiple times throughout the day! Little things such as, how does baby like to be put to bed or that your toddler likes his sandwiches cut into dinosaur shapes that, whilst they don’t make much difference in the long run, are factors that you know will make your little one feel more at home. Make yourself a list of these things over the week or two before your child goes to child-care for the first time, this way you can pass over a simple document to your care provider and offer yourself peace of mind. Not sure what to include in your handover? There is a template included in our back to work guide here.

        children in the nursery playing with the nursery teacher

        2) Pre-Arranged Updates Where Possible

        The temptation to constantly check our phones and emails can often be big at the best of times, however, if you’re back at work without your little one for the first time in a long time then that temptation is going to be strong. Whilst your employer will likely be understanding of this transitional period, it will be easier to not be glued to your personal screens if you have pre-arranged with child-care when they will contact you with little updates that aren’t an emergency. It also helps if, for instance, you’re in a meeting and you see an email flash up from nursery. Luckily, you’re already aware that they were planning to send an email at 2 pm so you don’t feel the need to lunge at your phone.

        3)|Which Child-Care Option Is The Best?

        There are so many more child-care options available than there have been in previous years and it’s important to carefully consider not only what works best for you in terms of convenience but which environment your little one will thrive in the most. Talk to other parents in your area if you can and ask for recommendations (even if it’s strangers in a local Facebook group) and if at all possible request settling-in sessions – even if it’s with a relative or friend. That way not only will they feel more settled but you’ll hopefully be more reassured they are okay on your first day back at work. A full breakdown of the pros and cons of child-care providers and things to consider in our bigger guide.

        little girl going to school with her dad

        4) How To Calm First Day Nerves?

        Both you and your child might be feeling nervous about your first day at work, childcare or school. Firstly, you must try not to pass your feelings of anxiety onto the child, try to phrase everything positively for the both of you. Such as, ‘What are you most excited about for your first day? Mummy is excited about seeing her work friends, how about you?’. You can also try some breathing exercises, if you’re doing this with your child we recommend suggesting you both take a deep breath whilst thinking about any of your worries and then blow them away when you breathe out.

        family hanging out together

        5) Getting Over Mum Guilt

        Mum Guilt gets all mothers at some point during their child’s lives and a common flair up for these feelings is going back to work and placing them in the care of someone else. A key milestone in helping yourself work through the feelings of guilt is to revisit your values, as detailed in this Harvard study. Think about the reasons behind your return to work and the values you are looking to instil in your child.

        A helpful exercise is to remind yourself of these in moments of doubt “I’m returning to work to financially support our family”, “I’m returning to work to role-model a good work ethic to my children” or similar.

        If you’re worried about returning to work or need some extra support to build your confidence so you can feel comfortable returning, you aren’t alone and I have more advice available to you. For a bargain price of just £14.99 you can get my guide which provides a breakdown of all aspects of returning to work as a mum. From a detailed analysis of different childcare options; to helping your little one transition to childcare; to helping yourself return to the working environment, I’ve got you covered. Check out my new guide here or contact me for more information.

        If you have any suggestions of your own please suggest them in the comments.

        Clocks Go Back, What Now? How Do You Adjust Baby’s Routine?

        Clocks Go Back, What Now? How Do You Adjust Baby’s Routine?

        Every time the clocks go forwards or backwards, parents across the world whose baby has finally settled into a nice sleep schedule or sleep routine go into a panic. As parents, we begrudge the hour earlier wake up call but how do we get them to go to sleep an hour earlier too? It’s also a great time to adjust bedtimes and naptimes if needed or wanted, it all seems to be subject to change due to Day Light Saving Time – what can we expect?

        Spring Forward, Fall Back

        We are taught this saying to remember which way the clocks are going but, is it just us or can we also spring back and fall forwards meaning we still have to rack our baby-tired brains for the answer?

        In October, the clocks go backwards an hour and as our Baby Sleep Coach inbox begins to fill with worried parents, we wanted to share some quick tips for ways you might want to adapt your routine.


        Ways You Might Want To Adapt Your Routine:

        1) Start Putting Your Baby To Bed Slightly Later

        To help with the transition of an hour, start putting your child to bed slightly later from Thursday. We recommend just 15 minutes later on Thursday and then to keep increasing by 15 minutes nightly until Sunday when you can put them to bed at the normal time. This can help by allowing your child minor adaptions and hopefully, the small changes will mean the wake-up time isn’t disturbed. Make sure to stick to their usual bedtime routine at the later time.

        2) If Your Baby Wakes Up An Hour Later Once The Times Have Changed, Gently Adjust Nap time

        We all know the joy of trying to get baby to stay awake around nap time, but if your baby does wake up later in the morning try to adjust their naps by 20 minutes so that they falling into the ‘new time’ schedule throughout the day. This should only take a day or two to allow them to adjust. If baby tries to ‘catch up’ by stretching their nap or sleeping late, don’t be tempted to let them or you’ll have to continue the adjustment cycle for longer.

        3) Go Outside!

        The natural light/dark times affects our circadian rhythm which is a large factor in your body’s sleep preparation. Unsurprisingly, the ‘daylight savings time’ was created to capture the main hours of light! We have spoken about the positive effects of Vitamin D previously but it is definitely worth getting outside to let your baby soak up some natural light on the day the clocks move backwards.

        4) Tire Them Out!

        Most parents find a ‘later’ bedtime harder to achieve with little ones, the clocks moving in October are more difficult than in March time! If you try to do more physically exhausting activities, particularly outside, on those first few days following the clock change then this will greatly contribute to them settling.

        Baby sleep coach clock change routine

        6) Be A Rolemodel!

        In addition to ‘practising what you preach’, make sure you look after your own schedule too. Remember, not only are they potentially going to get up at the same time as before (this will adjust in time), but you are losing an hour of your own bedtime too!

        5) Don’t Adjust Anything.

        A lot of parents just carry on with their normal routines when the clocks change, whilst mentally preparing to potentially struggle to stick to bedtimes. Just as our bodies naturally adapt, so do our little ones. This is the method we at Sleepy Angels will be using, but it’s all personal preference. With my own children, I sometimes haven’t even realised the clock has changed!

        What About Feeding Times When The Clocks Go Back?

        A lot of parents, particularly with babies that haven’t been weaned yet, find that the main adaption when the clocks move is feeding times. Unless medically advised due to What about feeding times when the clocks go backwards?

        A lot of parents, particularly with babies that haven’t been weaned yet, find that the main adaption when the clocks move is feeding times. Unless medically advised due to weight issues or premature babies, our Baby Sleep Coach advises against trying to stick to the 4-hour feeding schedule (which you can read more about here) and trying to be responsive to the baby’s hunger and this is encouraged even more so with Daylight Savings Time adjustments.
        Our advice is to ‘be ready’ to feed the baby at the normal time but don’t be disappointed if they want to wait slightly, or feed earlier, it is best to feed when the baby starts to show signs of hunger.

        The same applies with a weaned baby, try using sleepy foods! By giving foods that increase the production of Melatonin (the sleepy hormone!) can also encourage them to sleep better. Check out this blog on foods that will help baby sleep better. Otherwise, try to feed them at the correct time and be understanding and patient if they aren’t as readily hungry for a couple of days, you can always give a snack if they eat less at the mealtime’.

        We really hope this advice has helped to ease any anxieties you might be experiencing around the upcoming Daylight Savings Time. It is so understandable that parents worry all their hard work around baby’s sleep will be ruined by this shift in time but we can reassure you that it won’t be, any adjustments will be minor and completely temporary!

        If you have any further questions, or maybe you’re experiencing some other parenting anxieties you’d like to see a blog about please reach out to me in the comments below

        References: – Entrainment of the human circadian clock to the natural light-dark cycle, The National Library of Medicine – Daylight Saving Time, The Sleep Foundation

        Have you downloaded your freebie yet? Top 10 Baby Sleep Coach Tips To Help Your Baby Sleep Better Guide! If not, then make sure to click here.

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